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Writing Skills and Essays

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Geared for the new and intermediate writer, this ebook on writing dialogue focuses on how to incorporate body language, props, and setting into scenes to give your dialogue more depth.

Based on a workshop presented at regional, national, and online writing conferences, Ms. Hanson draws on examples from books, movies, and plays to demonstrate ways to keep your characters from sitting, standing, or looking out a window as they talk.
"This is one of those short little 'solve the problem' writing skills book that delivers exactly what it promises." Anna Erishkigal, Amazon Top Reviewer
If you’ve read She Sat, He Stood, then you’re probably looking for the handouts. Just click on the links below.
Setting Chart
Adele’s Office
Body Language Clues
Body Positions
Speech Patterns
I’d like to thank Anna Erishkigal for giving me permission to use a quote from her review of She Sat He Stood. Anna is an award-winning author who writes science fiction, epic fantasy, women’s fiction and thrillers. She also professionally edits fiction.

Be sure and visit her website at

She Said He Said
The Power of Dialogue

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Dialogue is the hardest working element in the fiction toolbox. She Said, He Said: The Power of Dialogue explores the many ways dialogue enhances storytelling.

Written with the new and intermediate writer in mind, this is a companion book to She Sat, He Stood.

Here's two pdfs of dialogue tips I hope you find useful.

Dialogue Checklist
Dialogue Tags

Humorous Essays
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A collection of humorous essays tackling subjects as varied as weight lifting, hair dye, plastic surgery, chocolate,, shopping, and dogs.

Brighten your day with essays like these–

It's Hard to Primp While You're Pumping Iron
Who Notices Gorillas, Basketball and Choco-Plum Hair?

A little sample to whet your interest…

It's Hard to Primp While You're Pumping Iron

For some insane reason, I decided we should start off the New Year by joining a gym. My doctor triggered this bout of insanity when he claimed my bones lacked density. To prove his diagnosis, he waved a stack of colorful graphs at me, showing my projected bone density slide from normal to below normal. He told me not to worry if more calcium intake didn't work, because an array of medications is available for women who fall off the chart.

Being an overachiever personality, I didn't like the idea of falling off any chart. I'm also a reluctant pill popper so I did some research into bone density. I learned that the key to dense bones is exercise. In a hallelujah moment, I decided weight lifting would be better for me than pill popping.

While I labored under that delusion, I broached the idea of joining a gym to my husband. Imagine my surprise when he not only listened, but also thought it was a good idea.

This fateful decision led us to join one. It also put us into a new category. We became members of a gym. In order to prove we had invested our money wisely, we now had to go to the gym…

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